AST Magazine February 2018 final-feb-2018 | Page 26
Volume 20
Once the task force has completed the map, it needs to point out
the vulnerabilities – both human and technological – to the net-
work, and then prioritize the operational risks.
February 2018 Edition
About the Author
The team can then use the vulnerabilities to work up scenarios in
which cyber criminals can exploit the soft spots in the operation.
The scenarios provide contexts for cyber security specialists to fortify
technological solutions.
Cyber security software that records network and application per-
formance baseline data have an important role to play in network
OT staff will receive alerts when malware attempts to disrupt the
processing flow of software on the network.
Management can also leverage use cases to train staff on behaviors
that will thwart attacks.
Mr. Paul D. Myer serves as the Chief Executive Officer at
Veracity Industrial Networks, Inc.
Mr. Myer served as Senior Vice President of Corporate Devel-
opment at M86 Security, Inc. and also served as its President
and Chief Operating Officer.
Mr. Myer is a technology industry veteran who has held manage-
ment positions with leading technology companies, including NEC
Technologies and Compaq Computer Corporation. He holds a B. A.
(Veracity is driving innovation and redefining what is possible with the future of
industrial networking cybersecurity.)
For instance, training offerings may include how to detect and re-
port email phishing expeditions where hackers attempt to infiltrate
networks when users click on “baited” links that download mali-
cious payloads or lead to websites infected with viruses.
And while globally most critical infrastructure operators are per-
sistently drilled on managing conventional issues that might beset
a power grid, very few are trained on how to detect, report and
rectify a cyber security breach.
It is possible for power utilities executives to determine they have
realistically reduced the risk for successful subversion of their
Veracity Industrial Networks Competes in 2018
‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program
A ST focuses on Homeland Security and Public Safety
Breaking News, the Newest Initiatives and Hottest Tech-
nologies in Physical & IT Security, essential to meeting
today’s growing security challenges.
As an ‘ASTORS’ competitor, Veracity Industrial Networks
will be competing against the industry’s leading provid-
ers of Innovative Cyber Critical Infrastructure Solutions.
They can avoid becoming the next “red flag warning” by heeding
the lessons of other countries already under siege by well-orga-
nized cyber criminals.