AST Magazine February 2018 final-feb-2018 | Page 17

Volume 20 An example of an ATI outdoor acoustic coverage map Oil & Gas ATI has helped many clients in the Oil & Gas Industry improve the safety of their plants and comply with Occu- pational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) regula- tions. OSHA 1910.165: Employee Alarm Systems, stipulates that employers provide an emergency warning system so that employees can safely escape danger in the workplace. This can be particularly difficult in industrial sites with high noise levels, which is often the case in the oil and gas industry. Also, ATI Systems is in compliance with NFPA 72 for Mass Notifica- tion Systems and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). February 2018 Edition When providing a system for CITGO’s Lake Charles Refin- ery ATI identified the high-noise areas and conducted a comprehensive acoustic analysis of the site. The analysis was used to evaluate voice and tone coverage and find the optimal location for each speaker station to ensure clear, intelli- gible voice messages could be heard throughout the site. Military Applications The US Department of Defense (DoD) is very concerned about safe- ty issues and has issued Unified Facilities Criteria 4-021-01: Design and Operation of Mass Notification Systems to take advantage of all available technologies to ensure proper notification. For example, Camp Zama, a US Army post located in Japan, hired ATI to provide a reliable Mass Notification System capable of alert- 15 ing people in case of emergency.