AST Magazine February 2018 final-feb-2018 | Page 12
Volume 20
February 2018 Edition
ATI Enhancements for Warning
Systems of Critical Applications
Acoustic Technology Inc. (ATI Systems), the world’s
leading provider of reliable emergency warning & mass
notification systems (MNS), is a recipient of the 2017
Platinum ‘ASTORS’ Award for Best Mass Notification
Siren System and the prestigious Platinum ‘ASTORS’
Award for Leadership & Innovation in Homeland Secu-
rity. Secure Communications
Recent developments in regards to hacking and false
activation necessitate the need to have secured commu-
nications that offset human errors that can cause false
activations. All ATI command packets (including those sent over radio) are pro-
tected by several security features, now including encryption with
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
ATI has developed state-of-the-art technologies to address these
vulnerability concerns.
Anticipating the potential for hacking vulnerabilities, ATI
has designed systems for many years that incorporate in-
creasingly advanced security protocols to prevent attacks.
Many older systems include few, if any, of the advanced security
features ATI can provide.
ATI’s proprietary system control software, MassAlert™, is
designed to prevent intrusion and to secure the commu-
nication links to warning systems in the field.