AST Magazine February 2018 final-feb-2018 | Page 10

Volume 20 planning to have new technology in the hands of responders by 2020. February 2018 Edition Smart Building • As a simple example, imagine a fire department arriving on scene to a burning building and on each floor where there are smart thermostats, that can triangulate hot spots based on temperature and provide that real-time intelligence to incident commanders. Smart City IoT Innovation (SCITI – pronounced ‘CITY’) is a smart city solutions innovation lab created in collaboration between the DHS S&T, CIT, TechNexus and Smart City Works. The types of technology focus areas, selected by a committee of responders for the inaugural program are: • UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) • Smart Buildings • A Smart Hub (communication interoperability platform). Contextual use cases for the technology can be found below: UAS • Transitioning traditional drone platforms and sensor technolo- gy used in manhunt situations for autonomous search rescue in disaster zones. Smart Hub (Communication Interoperability) • There is an increasing amount of data being created around us everyday. • The Smart Hub seeks to receive and utilize personal area network communications with third-party sensor packages (e.g. integrated coms/biometrics) for enhanced situational aware- ness in support of mission-critical operations. Interested parties can apply here or contact [email protected] for questions. SCITI Mission: Collaboratively develop solutions designed to sup- port First Responders’ capabilities in the Smart City environment, by providing technologies with market access, development capital, and aligning those technologies with larger tangential opportuni- ties in broader industries. 8