Volume 24
June 2018 Edition
Chuck joined FairWarning in 2012
after being a customer for many
years and works closely with the
management team to strengthen
overall security and risk manage-
FairWarning® solutions pro-
tect organizations of all sizes
against data theft and misuse
through real-time and contin-
uous user activity monitoring
and improve compliance effec-
(Cloud security doesn’t have to be a science project. Learn More about FairWarning for tiveness with complex federal
Salesforce, a purpose-built to monitor and protect Salesforce and other cloud applica- and state privacy laws such as
tions like Office 365 and Drop Box against data theft.)
FISMA and EU Data Protection
Create a data security policy and make
sure your employees know and adhere
to it.
FairWarning® catches people stealing your data.
To Learn More, visit http://www.FairWarning.
These steps encourage a strong security com or [email protected].
culture that partners techno-
logy with people to keep
your data where it belongs.
About the author:
Chuck Burbank is the CIO
and Chief Information Secu-
rity Officer of FairWarning.
He has overall responsibilities for
developing and executing strate-
gic security initiatives across the
Chuck Burbank, CIO, FairWarning, Inc.