Volume 24
Prevent attackers from exfiltrating valuable
2018 Edition
company information June
and credentials
stop them before any damage can be done.
Attack detection is provided re-
al-time by accurately identifying infected cli-
ents, including sleeper and time-triggered
agents, enabling remediation of the attack
before damage can be done.
No false positives. Alerts only occur
when a hacker is engaged, and an attack on
the BOTsink Solution has occurred.
Identify and Understand the
Methods and Intent of Hack-
Analysis and Forensics
Adaptive Deception for Scalability and Auto-re-
After the attacker has engaged with the Attivo de-
set of Deception
ception platform, they can either be automatically
Attivo Adaptive Deception Campaigns provide break- or manually quarantined and studied for detailed
through scalability, which is critical for large network forensics.
deployment and for instantly resetting the attack sur-
After quarantining the malware, the Attivo BOTsink
face to stop an attacker from successfully completing
allows the attack to fully detonate inside the con-
a breach.
• Automatically deploy deception cam-
paigns created from environmental
• On-demand resetting of deception syn-
thetic network including decoys, lures,
and credentials
• Create uncertainty for the attacker, esca-
late the chances of them making a mis-
take, and increase their costs as they are
forced to restart or abandon their attack
Reduction of Attack Detection
Prevent Data Exfiltration