duction environment
June 2018
ly, making it impossible for the
attacker to discern which systems
are deceptive.
Volume 24
Endpoint deceptions will also
validate with Active Directory to
ensure the utmost authenticity
of the deception credentials.
Attivo offers 50 various out of the
box deception campaign options
to support environmental authen-
Customer deception deploy-
For example, a customer shared it took 15% of one ments range from small environments of
person’s time over a day to deploy and didn’t require 30 people up to global Fortune 100 orga-
additional staff to manage ongoing operations.
Attivo Networks ThreatDefend™ Deception and Response Platform
The platform is recognized for its comprehen-
sive network and endpoint deceptions that are
Maintaining decoy, credential, and decep- field-proven for deployment in user networks,
tion object authenticity and attractiveness data centers, cloud, ROBO, and specialty environ-
is core to the efficacy and manageability ments such as IoT, ICS-SCADA, POS, telecom and
of deception.
Customers have purchased virtual, cloud, or hardware ap-
The ThreatDefend platform uses real operating pliance systems for network deception and agentless end-
systems and offers the ability to use the compa- point technology that is customer-proven with millions of
ny’s production golden images to match the pro- endpoint deceptions deployed.
Attivo Networks DecoyDocs