Volume 24
June 2018 Edition
One small mistake will reveal the attacker’s This maintains the highest levels of authenticity and pro-
presence and force them to start over or aban- vides an automated refresh of the deception environment
in order to amplify deceptions based on user behavior, re-
don their efforts altogether .
set the attack surface on-demand, avoid fingerprinting or
simply reset the attack surface after a compromise.
The ThreatDefend approach also address-
es the debate of whether deception is best Active Defense Unlike other detection solutions,
suited at the endpoint or in network.
the ThreatDefend platform does not stop with a
detection alert and goes further to provide or-
Simply put, you need both to catch all threat vectors and
ganizations with an Active Defense which gives
their attempts of reconnaissance or credential theft.
them a better understanding of the attacker
Additionally, ThreatDefend high-interaction de- and automates incident handling.
ception technology engages attackers to gain
Based on engagement with an adversary, the Threat-
threat intelligence, identify attack paths, analyze
Defend solution safely collects attacker TTPs, IOCs,
attacks, and automate incident response through and counterintelligence for insight into attacker ca-
3rd party integrations.
pabilities, goals, and the information they are seek-
ing to exfiltrate.
The ThreatDefend platform
is designed for the most
sophisticated human and
automated attackers and is
unique in that it offers end-
point, network, data, ap-
plication, Active Directory,
and database deceptions to
detect ever-changing attack
Both small and large organiza- (The Attivo ThreatPathâ„¢ solution provides an attack path vulnerability assessment
based on likely attack paths that an attacker would traverse through misconfigured
tions can benefit from built-in ma- systems or credential misuse. A topographical illustration of the attack paths pro-
chine-learning, which automates vides a straight-forward view of how an attacker can move laterally once they have
deployment and simplifies oper- engaged with their first end-point system. Clickable drill downs provide the details
of weaknesses and IP addresses for systems needing to be isolated and/or fixed. Inte-
ations by auto-proposing decep- grations with prevention systems can be leveraged for automated response actions
tion campaigns.
and trouble tickets can be activated inside the dashboard.)