Volume 24
field, delivering
June clear
2018 Edition
structions and maintaining
order throughout the evac-
uation. Make product selec-
tions based on durability,
range, and ease of set up.
Remote Access Central-
izes Communication
To reach multiple sites
from a single command
center, consider a con-
AmpliVox SW680 Mega Hailer (left) and SW690 AirVox, portable 50-watt PA sys-
nected system of sound
tems that set up in moments to cover large open areas with clear sound
systems linked by two-
Wide-Coverage Sound Reaches
way MURS radios.
Large Crowds
Powerful portable sound systems can
When crowds are gathered in parking provide closed communication net-
lots, athletic fields, or
other spread-out areas,
responders can best
communicate with stra-
tegic placement of an
extra-powerful portable
sound system.
Specialty systems can be set-
up in moments, operating on
rechargeable battery power for
wireless convenience.
Single units can cover
spaces as big as a football
For clearer sound from far away or in big indoor spaces see the AmpliVox AirVox.