Volume 24
June 2018 Edition
best choice for confirming the chemical identity.
chemical resistant suit, taped at wrists and ankles with
boot covers. Filter ½ mask respirator with goggles, or • Be alert for signs and symptoms of exposure and keep
Naloxone injectors on hand.
full- face APR with P100.
• Bag and destroy grossly contaminated clothing and
perform decon on scene.
High Risk: (Large quantity and powder/airborne haz-
ard) Initial entry Level A and full Self Contained Breath- • Don’t use hand sanitizer. Upon return home or to the
station, shower with soap and water.
ing Apparatus (SCBA) and back up teams. Hazmat
• Remember, Police K9s are also at risk.
Response Team on scene for decontamination. These
drugs are water soluble.
GC-MS is More Than Just Another Meter!
Use soap and water. Do NOT use bleach.
GC-MS is the gold-standard confirmatory technolo-
gy used by labs to analyze chemical samples, but the
• Bulk samples can be tested with a variety of instru- need for this capability extends beyond the lab and
ments including Raman and IR, but a GC-MS is the into the field.
Detection of Opioids like Fentanyl Using FLIR G510 Portable GC-MS.
The Griffin G510 can be operated while wearing full Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE).