June 2018 Edition
Volume 24
Safety and security is not
one size fits all. Each en-
vironment has unique
variables to consider,
which makes it even
more important to have
multiple layers of secu-
rity protocols as well as
Looking at trends and understanding how
new methods of entry and new technolo- Detection is the first layer, followed by and
gy are evolving can provide intelligence extraction and analysis.
for adapting.
Know which procedures and tools are necessary
Also, constant scrutiny and review of com- for each layer, and how the layers work together
prehensive entrance and exit policies and
as a total approach.
Think about how inmates plan their activ- Some of the best way to stay on top of trends
ities, i.e. their visits, time in the yard, gym and product effectiveness is to collaborate with
your colleagues in both nearby regions as well
as across the country.
It is almost like trying to stop running water – when
you block one route, water travels and creates another. Working groups and regular touch points (outside of
annual trade shows) are a great way to share best prac-
It is similar with inmates – if one method of gain- tices and track early warning signs of a shift in activity.
ing contraband gets blocked
they will seek another.
In your mind, what would
you do if you were an in-
mate that wanted to get
something? What would
you see as the options?