Volume 24
June 2018 Edition
Corrections Officers face daunting challenges with contraband every day; working in a system that always seems to have one-step
forward and two-steps back, never truly eradicating the problem. While Institutions keep pace with contraband trends, there must
be practices in place to look objectively at their interdiction efforts.
5 Key Threats & Vulnerabilities
of Jail & Prison Contraband
Almost as long as prisons and jails
have been in existence there have
been efforts for inmates to get
their hands on illegal contraband.
Today, creativity, planning and col-
laboration have changed the land-
scape a bit and have added a whole
new set of problematic items that
inmates desire.
It is commonplace for weapons and tools
to be made from materials gathered within Whatever the item, it is very much a sit-
the institution walls – kitchen items, stones, uation of supply and demand, and there
are many willing participants.
workshop tools, and more.