Volume 24
June 2018 Edition
SCs and ShotSpotter, we want residents to feel safe
and know we are ready to respond faster and predict
where the next incident may occur.”
Using ShotSpotter, Chicago police receive in-
stantaneous alerts of detected gunfire enabling
them to arrive at the precise location of a shoot-
ing event quickly.
Instead of relying on a low rate of 911 calls, law en-
forcement can now respond in real-time to aid vic-
tims, interview witnesses, and collect forensic evi-
The Chicago Police Department has stated that its dence.
success in reducing gun violence is largely due to the
combination of ShotSpotter and the introduction of This improves the overall effectiveness of the agency
Strategic Decision Support Centers (SDSCs) in key dis- in identifying and apprehending shooters, and taking
illegal guns off the streets.
(Learn More. Courtesy of CBS Chicago and YouTube)
“The one technology that has made the most differ- It also reassures communities that law enforcement is
ence in Chicago’s reduction in gun violence in the last there to serve them and helps to build bridges with local
12 months has been ShotSpotter – it’s a game chang- citizens.
er,” said Eddie Johnson, Superintendent of the Chica-
go Police Department.
Ralph A. Clark, President and CEO of ShotSpotter
“Chicago is an excellent example of how law enforce-
ment is using ShotSpotter as a central element of a
“We are pleased with the progress made in the last holistic program to reduce gun violence and improve
year, but we plan to achieve even more. With our SD- relationships between law enforcement and
Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson