These sensors are
2018 Edition
lessly to ShotSpotter’s centralized,
cloud-based application to reliably
detect and accurately triangulate
(locate) gunshots.
Volume 24
Expertly trained acoustic analysts,
who are located and staffed in
ShotSpotter’s 24x7 Incident Re-
view Center, then further qualify
those highlighted incidents.
Each acoustic sensor captures
the precise time and audio as-
sociated with impulsive sounds
ShotSpotter is currently deployed in more than that may represent gunfire.
85 cities across the United States, including Den-
This data, from multiple sensors, is used to locate the
ver, Milwaukee, Chicago and New York.
(See how ShotSpotter is homing in on the location of gunfire while simultaneously,
turning on the largest network of surveillance cameras in the country to help locate
and search for suspects and victims to support Chicago Police. )
How does ShotSpotter work?
incident, which is then filtered by sophisticated ma-
chine algorithms to classify the event as a potential
ShotSpotter uses acoustic sensors that are strategi- Expertly trained acoustic analysts, who are located and
cally placed in an array of approximately 20 sensors staffed in ShotSpotter’s 24×7 Incident Review Center,
per square mile.
then further qualify those highlighted incidents.
These analysts ensure
and confirm that the
events are in fact gunfire.
In addition, the analysts
can append the alert with
other critical intelligence
such as whether a full au-
tomatic weapon was fired
and whether the shooter
is on the move.
Expertly trained acoustic analysts, who are located and staffed
in ShotSpotter’s 24×7 Incident Review Center,
then further qualify highlighted incidents.
This process typically
takes no more than 45
seconds from the time of
the actual shooting to the
digital alert (with the pre-