Volume 24
June 2018 Edition
The Evolution of AI and
Human Responsibility
By Doron Cohen, CEO of Fifth Dimension, an AI-driven
investigation platform company for law enforcement
and enterprise clients
Artificial intelligence is transforming
countless facets of modern life, with
significant ramifications for a large vari-
ety of industries, the workplace, home,
financial services, law enforcement,
transportation, and the public sector.
Predictably, advances in AI have triggered anxi-
eties about the ethical implications of the tech-
nology, its potential impact on employment and
social stability, and the shrinking role humans
may be playing as AI becomes “smarter and smart-
As with all other technologies, the responsible
deployment of AI demands an ethical frame-
work in which human accountability and con-
trol are paramount.
Critics notwithstanding, AI will not replace humans, but
will only serve as a platform for a more productive, effec-
tive, and enjoyable human experience – if done right. 10