AST July 2022 PREVIEW Final 2022 'ASTORS' PREVIEW EDITION | Page 63

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com July 2022 - Edition 62

Universal Alarm Control

The Valor Alarm Unify solu- tion interconnects and man- ages all Public Safety com- munications , dispatch , and facility alarm systems into a joint central command oper- ations center .

Using this easy-to-use appli- cation , emergency response management teams can holis- tically observe and manage all facility emergency alert sys- tems simultaneously .

Scalable ,




Unify system can integrate

with CAD and systems operat-

ing gates , video , and alarms
through one central position ,




awareness .

Valor Alarm Unify stream- lines all emergency respons- es and workflows to improve decision-making as events happen through its real-time interoperable design .

Using Valor Alarm Unify appli- cations , first responder teams can evaluate and deploy emer- gency response team ( ERT ) members as needed and dictat- ed by the alarm classification and severity , even when they are geographically dispersed .

Rapid . Accurate . Efficient .

Rapid access to information is an essential necessity for any organization whose goal is fast deployment of resources .

In the public safety arena ,