AST July 2022 PREVIEW Final 2022 'ASTORS' PREVIEW EDITION | Page 60

What is Valor IMS ? A suite of Incident Management Sys- tem tools incorporating computer-aided dispatch , records management , and mobile data modules in a unique cross-platform environment .

practices are implemented . www . AmericanSecurityToday . com July 2022 - Edition 62

When industry profession- als choose the best tools for their daily tasks , they consider experience , stability , re- liability , flexibility , backup , fail-over , and a solid Business Continuity or Continuity of Operations ( COOP ) plan .

We seek to minimize vul- nerabilities to protect people , infrastructure , and opera- tions .

ments , is Public Safety ready for this possible single point of failure ?

Multiple documented cases of our largest financial institutions and tech compa- nies have experienced ma- jor internet outages . If they are not immune to internet outages , is Public Safety ?

While the world general- ly has evolved to web-based applications and cloud- based environ-

What is Valor IMS ? A suite of Incident Management Sys- tem tools incorporating computer-aided dispatch , records management , and mobile data modules in a unique cross-platform environment .