ty in each of those communi- ties . They have exactly that with Dr . Kathleen Kiernan or Dr . K to all who know her .
www . AmericanSecurityToday . com July 2022 - Edition 62
Kiernan ’ s three decades of experience in federal law en- forcement and her public-sec- tor security ex- pertise made her a natural choice to guide them into the future .
As the industry grows and evolves , her visionary lead- ership will prepare NEC NSS for what ’ s coming around the corner .
The relationships and trust that Dr . Kiernan has built over her career and her dedication to providing shared value to their communities and custom- ers is a powerful combination . When asked why NEC NSS , Dr . K immediately responded , “ It was love at first sight for me , a new challenge with a global company that builds and fields the capabilities to protect those who protect us and oper- ates with a clear vision and sense of mission .”
Dr . Kiernan is a dedicated pub- lic servant and still actively participates on several advisory boards and humanitarian initiatives that align with NEC ’ s goal of social value creation .
She believes that digital solu- tions can address society ’ s most complex problems with technology and co-creation .