www . AmericanSecurityToday . com July 2022 - Edition 62
ments , condomini- ums and hotels , as well as theme parks , cranes , oil platforms and ships .
The United States military has been utilizing
Systems on air traffic control towers such as Edwards AFB , Tinker AFB , Maxwell AFB and Patrick AFB as well as Army and Air National Guard installa- tions such as Alpena CRTC and Grayling Air Gunnery Range .
Together with your support , HRES is proud to protect those who protect us all !
Alles was appointed to the National Fire Protection Associ- ation ( NFPA ) Building Code /
Safety to Life Technical Com- mittee on which he still serves .
He is also a founding member of the Safe Evacuation Coali- tion , and aarticipating mem- ber on the American Society of Testing and Material ( ASTM ) E06.77 committee on Supple- mental Evacuation Devices .
Alles is also a member of the In- ternational Counter-Terrorism Officers Association ( IACSP ).