www . AmericanSecurityToday . com July 2022 - Edition 62 https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = DwO5xHAyjNQ
( HRES contributed to the 10th Anniversary Special on 9 / 11 on the Discovery Channel , to help spread awareness about advances in self evacuation since the events of September 11th , 2001 . Courtesy of the Discovery Channel and YouTube .)
and professional Fire Fighter .
Frustrated and angered by the events of September 11 , 2001 , which proved once again how slow evacuations from high rise structures can have fatal consequences , he worked to create solutions that the average citizen can afford .
Did you know that ninety-nine percent of the world ’ s fire ladder trucks cannot reach above the 7th floor ?
HRES has a passion for helping others .
Made up of emergency service professionals , EMTs and professional fire fighters , HRES believes that in today ’ s complex environment it is irresponsible to believe that in times
of danger , emergency services