AST July 2022 PREVIEW Final 2022 'ASTORS' PREVIEW EDITION | Page 45

Annual ' ASTORS ' Homeland Security Awards Presentation Luncheon at ISC East

Be In It to Win It - 2022 ' ASTORS ' Awards www . AmericanSecurityToday . com July 2022 - Edition 62

Annual ' ASTORS ' Homeland Security Awards Presentation Luncheon at ISC East

The Annual ASTORS Awards Pro- gram , a prestigious U . S . Homeland Security Awards Program highlight- ing the most cutting-edge and for- ward-thinking security solutions coming onto the market today , to en- sure our readers have the information they need to stay ahead of the com- petition , and keep our Nation safe one facility , street , and city at a time .

Your ASTORS Luncheon registra- tion includes complimentary attend- ee access to ISC East - Thank take ad- vantage of this private opportunity to take a break from the show Invite your team , guests , clients and show visitors to a lovely and affordable plated meal event in the heart of New York City , for a fabulous networking opportunity !

Learn More at https :// americansecuri- tytoday . com / ast-awards /.