AST July 2018 Magazine AST July 2018 Magazine Issue 24 | Page 56

The security program July 2018 also Edition made innovative alter- ations to its adblocking structure to block the in- finite alerts hackers use to create technical support scams. Volume 25 (During the Wannacry ransomware scare, which infected approximately 250,000 computers across the globe, none of our customers were infected.) These scams are not viruses, but instead pop-up alerts claiming the user needs to call a third-party for assis- tance to “fix” their computer. These claims are false, and merely a way to steal the users hard- earned money. Since then, PC Matic has been protecting millions of PC users, keeping the American people safe PC Matic Adblocker and their data secure, all while using an American-made product. In 2015, PC Matic expanded its protec- tion to businesses, government agen- cies, educational institutions, and non- profit organizations. In 2017, PC Matic understood the need to advance its security solution to in- clude not only a default-deny approach, but also fileless malware detection. No other anti-malware program in the world offers this protection technology. 23