AST July 2018 Magazine AST July 2018 Magazine Issue 24 | Page 38

Volume 25 Hesham Mohamed Youssef Mohamed Hesham Youssef was in- dicted in Florida in 2004 for allegedly providing financial support – including recruits – for al Qae- da and other terror- ist groups to terror- ist groups fighting in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Kosovo and Somalia, including helping his co-conspirator, “dirty bomb” sus- pect Jose Padilla attend terrorist training camps in Afghanistan. The indictment identified more than two dozen checks, totaling $53,000, that were written by Hassoun from 1994 to 2001 and were allegedly aimed at supporting terrorist activi- ties and groups. Many of the checks were written to char- ities such as the Holy Land Foundation and the Global Relief Foundation, which have been targets of U.S. counterterror- ism investigations or prosecutions. July 2018 Edition Mohamed Hesham Youssef The charges also recount detailed conversations, apparently recorded through wiretaps, between Hassoun and Youssef in which they allegedly discussed jihad, primarily through code words. For example, in 1996 Youssef allegedly told Hassoun that he was “ready for trade immediately.” Hassoun allegedly responded that “there is now trade in Somalia” and urged Youssef to “get yourself ready to go down there and see.” Hassoun added that “there is jihad” in Somalia, the indictment said. 38 5