AST July 2018 Magazine AST July 2018 Magazine Issue 24 | Page 54
Volume 25
July 2018 Edition
PC Matic is an endpoint security solution that meets the anti-malware needs of American home and business PC users, which is
researched, developed, and supported in the United States.
American-Made PC Matic in 2018
‘ASTORS’ Awards (Multi-Video)
PC Pitstop, a Platinum Award Winner in the
2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards
Program, is excited to announce that PC Matic
has been nominated to compete in the 2018
‘ASTORS’ Awards Program.
In 2011, the product altered its malware de-
tection methods to an application whitelist,
better known as a default-deny approach.
This methodology has been proven to be far
more effective than traditional blacklisting
security solutions.
PC Matic is an endpoint security solu-
tion that meets the anti-malware
Superior Security
needs of American home and business
PC users, was developed in 2009.
Instead of using what their competitors use,
In 2010 PC Matic withdrew licensing its an-
ti-virus software from a third-party vendor,
choosing rather to develop their own core
technology, made solely in the United States.
an archaic blacklist approach, PC Matic uses
a proprietary whitelisting technology for re-
al-time, proactive protection against ransom-
ware, advanced persistent threats (APTs), poly-
morphic viruses and zero-day attacks.