AST July 2018 Magazine AST July 2018 Magazine Issue 24 | Page 20
2018 Edition
Desktop July
Volume 25
All in One CCU
All in One CCU
Some systems may
not need a radio at
particular locations
or may not need
radios at all in a
hardwired system
(Ethernet/IP, CANbus,
Customers have request-
ed a smaller package for such applications
which takes up less area on a desktop.
The R5030 “All in one” Central Con-
The Desktop CCU (DCCU), with its sleek,
trol Unit includes room for a VHF/
small form-factor design and easy-to-
UHF radio and battery backup.
use touch-screen interface, controls and
This most closely corresponds to ATI’s monitors the entire MNS (or a section of a
larger MNS) in a space-saving package.
existing REACT4000
CCU while offering all
the improvements of
the new controller.
The R5030 may be
used on a desktop
(shown) or mounted in
19” rack as a “do-it-all”
MNS control solution
which works well by
itself or with MassAlert
Desktop CCU