AST July 2018 Magazine AST July 2018 Magazine Issue 24 | Page 17

regulated 25 nature of these bands means you have Volume those found in vehicle dashboards) 25 July which 2018 have Edition no control. Even sophisticated FHSS radios eventu- watts of transmit power. With a 6 dB antenna, you get 100 times the ERP of an ISM band radio. al get overwhelmed by the noise. • ISM bands are limited to 1-watt Effective Radiated • The lower frequencies have greater ability to go around or thru minor obstructions. If the topog- Power (ERP) at most (some countries are even less). raphy is favorable, a control station in the center • Higher radio frequencies provide more bandwidth of town may be able to directly hit all the sirens for applications like a high def video but have less in the surrounding area without depending on and less ability to go thru or around obstructions. any 3rd party infrastructure like the cell system or Basically, the higher the frequency of the radio network providers. wave, the more it’s like light. It wants to travel in a straight line and a wall or other obstruction Since all ATI RTUs and CCUs have built-in bat- severely reduces the signal. In one extreme case, a teries, your system works, period, even if local link that worked fine in the winter stopped work- power or communication networks are down. ing in the spring when the leaves came out on the trees between buildings. The relatively narrow licensed frequency channel is not going to transport high def video but is per- The relatively limited Line-Of-Sight nature fectly adequate to control and monitor a group of of most wireless IP links means that a large outdoor or indoor speaker units. installation needs to either: • Depend on an extensive 3rd party infrastructure (WiFi access points, cell towers, etc.) • Or install an extensive mesh network with lots of local repeat- ers, multiple radios, etc. This can require a large effort which may need to be adjusted if the physical environment (or the RF environment) changes. Using an “old fashioned” licensed VHF (~150 MHz) or UHF (~450 MHz) channel to transmit encoded digital packets has several advantag- es: • Much higher power transmitters MassAlert® is customized for each client’s specific system and utilizes field unit icons can be used. ATI units typically layered onto location maps and building diagrams of the system to provide system use standard mobile radios (like overview and real-time status. 17