AST July 2018 Magazine AST July 2018 Magazine Issue 24 | Page 14
An Volume
Graphical User Inter-
face (GUI) provides a better user
experience, while multiple form
factors provide mounting flexibil-
ity. 2018 Edition
Anatomy of a Mass July Notifica-
tion System
Additional support for communication
links for both IP and non-IP, along with
enhanced encryption options, provide
a more robust and secure system. • Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) for playing alert
tones or voice messages, driving strobes or inter-
facing to existing fire or public address systems.
These typically include large outdoor units (up to
3200 watts) and smaller units for indoor use.
Building a robust large-scale Mass Noti-
fication System requires three different
types of components:
The new REACT5000 Central Control Unit (CCU) is the latest addition to ATI’s award-winning Mass Notification line.