The truth is , we use AI in our normal lives every day .
At Vintra , they are committed to providing customers with the tools and technologies that will help them better engage with their communities , empower transformation of any real-world video into actionable and tailored intelligence , and enable their customers to build the safest and most productive organizations in the world .
Volume 25 July 2018 Edition
Example of a watchlist being created .
Using an AI-powered video analytics solution , like Vintra ’ s FulcrumAI , agencies are cutting down review time by 90 % and dramatically increasing their clearance rates , all at a fraction of the cost of hiring one full-time detective .
Investigators and analysts can now complete days of video review in just minutes .
FulcrumAI Investigator is the first video analytics solution that has been built from the ground up using cutting-edge AI-algorithms .
Vintra ’ s FulcrumAI enables forward-thinking investigative teams to spend less time watching video and more time solving cases .
The Future is Now
When we think of artificial intelligence , our imaginations immediately run rampant with images of The Terminator and other AI-caused doomsday scenarios that books and movies have filled our heads with .
The truth is , we use AI in our normal lives every day .
From unlocking phones with our faces , to getting in a Lfyt , to asking Alexa what the weather is like outside , AI is augmenting nearly every aspect of our lives .
At Vintra , they are committed to providing customers with the tools and technologies that will help them better engage with their communities , empower transformation of any real-world video into actionable and tailored intelligence , and enable their customers to build the safest and most productive organizations in the world .