AST Jan 2020 Magazine AST Jan 2020 Magazine | Page 57 their game and adopt new strategies to steal person- al data, you should consider adopting high-tech solutions such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) to protect your business from privacy breaches and identity fraud. However, ID Jan/Feb verification 2019 - Edition can 40 cause friction for both the cus- tomer and the business because drawn-out ID verification pro- cesses hurt customer experi- ence. Customer experience is a key business metric that should AI has lots of applicability never suffer under any circum- in this area ranging from net stances. identify verification process- In fact, according to Walker, a es to anomaly detection. consulting firm, customer ex- perience is poised to overtake Below are some of the ways product and price as a key you can employ AI in your brand differentiator by 2020. business to reduce the chances of identity fraud. To alleviate the customer ex- perience problem when doing Do Large-Scale Customer ID ID verification, businesses can Verification in Real-Time utilize the power of Artificial Intelligence to automate pro- Many online businesses are cesses. required by law to verify the personal details of their cus- Real-time ID verification is possible today because ma- tomers. 57