AST Jan 2020 Magazine AST Jan 2020 Magazine | Page 30 Jan/Feb 2020 - Edition 40 on their networks. They establish a baseline pat- tern of “normal “ normal” ” user behavior and compare any deviations in those patterns to that baseline. CASBs can be used in conjunc- tion with behavioral analytics to form a security stronghold that’s virtually unmatched. For instance, one person may routinely sign into the same ap- plications, from the same IP ad- dress and browser, on a regular basis – that’s their normal be- havioral pattern. Managers can refer to their CASBs to see which applications a user is accessing, the type of data they’re working with, and so on. They can detect anomalies in these patterns and establish Even a slight deviation in that whether or not that user should pattern could indicate that some- be considered high risk. risk . thing’s wrong – perhaps the us- detected , er’s credentials have been com- If any red flags are detected, the manager knows to act upon promised. 30