AST Jan 2020 Magazine AST Jan 2020 Magazine | Página 7
that protects the employ- One such way Jan/Feb
to protect
2019 - Edition
ee from harm.
harm .
these are to use safe rooms or
areas of refuge,
refuge , as they are spe-
Sure, if given enough time and cifically constructed to keep oc-
s, the person might be able to cupants safe during a severe
break through a standard counter weather event.
door, but by that time the em-
ployee has followed emergen- One of the primary aspects of a
cy protocols and is long gone.
gone . safe room is getting occupants
in and out of it,
it , and leaving the
Those extra minutes bought locked down area as a hardened
by blocking the employee from zone
zone. .
view and physically separating
them from the threat allowed This means door and window
them to escape unharmed from protection
the criminal.
criminal .
All FEMA-approved safe rooms
All from a visual deterrent.
must protect against high winds
and flying objects according to
Storm Security – Nature-Made ICC-500 or FEMA P-361.
P-361 .
Any state or locality that has ad-
While man-made threats opted International Building
involve intent to do harm,
harm , Code 2015 or newer is in an area
government buildings must that has an increased risk of
also protect against natural tornadoes may require certain
threats, , like tornadoes and buildings, like 911 centers and
schools, to incorporate torna- 7