AST February 2021 Edition | Page 37

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com February 2021 - Edition 52
Reconstructed railway wagon at the Neuengamme memorial in which prisoners were trans- ported . ( Courtesy of Wikimedia )

Division , FBI s International

Hu- man Rights Unit , and DOJ s

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Established in 2009 , the HRVW- CC furthers the government ’ s efforts to identify , locate and prosecute human rights abusers in the United States , including those who are known or suspected to have participated in persecution , war crimes , genocide , torture , extrajudicial killings , female genital mutilation and the use or recruitment of child soldiers .

The HRVWCC leverages the expertise of a select group of agents , lawyers , intelligence and research specialists , historians and analysts who direct the government ’ s broader enforcement efforts against these offenders .