with 77 % of respondents
com- pletely trust or somewhat trust those direct alerts .
www . AmericanSecurityToday . com February 2021 - Edition 52
• There is an
overwhelming willingness to provide
per- sonal data that would aid
response .
• Notably more than 85
% of respondents say they
are very or somewhat willing to provide background info about themselves and their families , such as
medical history and addresses , to first responders if it would aid in a variety of emergen cies .
Trust in coronavirus
guide- lines and vaccine rollout
Only about a third of respon- dents ( 31 %) say they complete- ly trust updates from local offi- cials about the coronavirus .
While multiple factors contrib- ute to that lack of trust ,
respon- dents are most likely to say it is because they don ’ t trust
the facts local officials use to
make their recommendations ( 57
%), the recommendations ons and guid- ance change too o frequently