AST February 2021 Edition | Page 33

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com February 2021 - Edition 52
Neuengamme prisoners at forced labor building the Dove-Elbe canal . The Kapos wear white and black armbands . ( Courtesy of Wikimedia )

decades will not deter the De- partment from pursuing

justice on behalf of the victims of

Nazi crimes

.” guard of prisoners at a

concen- tration camp where persecution took place constituted

assistance in Nazi-sponsored persecution


In November 2020 , the Board of

Immigration Appeals upheld a

Memphis , Tennessee


Immigration Judge s Feb . 28 , 2020 , de- cision that Berger was remov- able under the 1978


Amendment to the

Immigration and Nationality

Act because

his willing service as an armed

The court found that Berger served at a Neuengamme sub-camp near

Meppen , Germany ,

and that the prisoners there

included Jews , Poles , Russians , Danes

, Dutch , Latvians , French ,

Italians , and political opponents of the

Nazis . The largest groups of

pris- oners were Russian , Dutch and