AST Feb 2020 Magazine AST Feb 2020 Magazine | Page 58 A traditional FIPS 140-2 valida- tion for the Public Sector market often takes 12-18 months, months , ex- tending long after many itera- tions of the product have been retired on the consumer or Pri- vate Sector side, especially in software. February 2020 - Edition 41 Existing 140-2 validations will continue to be active, although they will still be subject to the normal 5 year automatic sun- set and any other security con- cerns that may render a particu- lar module to be unacceptable. (More on that scenario in a moment.) NIST is kicking kick ing off testing for FIPS 140-3 is drawing signifi- FIPS 140-3 standards, standards , the long cant resources from the labs as awaited third generation, in Sep- well as CMVP itself as they ramp tember 2020. 2 020. up training and preparations for It will co-exist co- exist with FIPS 140-2 testing. for one full calendar year before transitioning exclusively to test- The result is that the existing pipeline and protocols for test- ing for 140-3. 1 40-3. 58