AST Feb 2020 Magazine AST Feb 2020 Magazine | Page 57 FIPS 140 is the publication publ ication of NIST (the National Institute of Standards and Technology) Technology ) that governs cryptographic modules - allowed algorithms, minimum keylengths, and other techno- logical benchmarks - but also the methodology to test for con- formance with an independent- ly accredited lab and to receive a validation certificate from NIST’s Cryptographic Module Mod ule Valida- February 2019 - Edition 41 tion Program (CMVP), operated in conjunction with their Canadi- an counterpart. The current standard is FIPS 140-2, , the second iteration, 140-2 and is specified for four levels of security, security , addressing various items such as software oper- ation at Level 1 and  tamper evident labels for hardware at Level 2. 57