AST Feb 2020 Magazine AST Feb 2020 Magazine | Page 11
data breaches than ever be- • Employees
• Employees February
need 2019 to - Edition
the minimum resources re-
quired for their job.
• The
The breaches can be inten-
tional or the result of simple 6. Cybercrime-as-a-Service
human error.
• Cybercrime-as-a-Service
• Limiting
Limiting access to IT resourc- • Cybercrime-as-a-Service
es is one of the best tech- (CaaS) is the practice of buy-
niques to minimize internal ing software or hardware
for carrying out cyber attacks.
attacks in any business.
(Video 5. See 2019 'ASTORS
' ASTORS' ' Award Winning ObserveIT
ObserveIT, , With more than 1,900 global
customers across all major verticals, ObserveIT empowers security teams to proactively
detect Insider Threats,
Threats , streamline the investigation process and enable rapid response.
Courtesy of ObserveIT.)