AST Edition 59 | Page 29

( See a brief overview of RAPIDGate ®, a high-assurance identity management program for vendors , contractors and service providers who require escorted or authorized access to secure facilities or sensitive corporate resources . The program assists in guard- ing against threats such as unauthorized access , identity theft , fraud or cyber-crime . and YouTube .)

NASA among others . www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2021 FINALISTS Edition - 59

The RAPIDGate program is a complete vendor manage- ment solution that includes verification of company sponsorship , company enroll- ment , multi-language kiosk based registration , individual biographic and biometric col- lection , equipment , commer- cial background screenings , DOJ / FBI NCIC / III checks ( sub- ject to approval of the relevant government authorities ).

RAPIDGate also includes quar- terly commercial background screenings for continuous vetting , credential produc- https :// vimeo . com / 145694573

( See a brief overview of RAPIDGate ®, a high-assurance identity management program for vendors , contractors and service providers who require escorted or authorized access to secure facilities or sensitive corporate resources . The program assists in guard- ing against threats such as unauthorized access , identity theft , fraud or cyber-crime . and YouTube .)