AST Digital Magazine September 2017 AST Digital Magazine September 2017 | Page 7

Volume 16 September 2017 Edition Phase III – Continuous Improvement The third phase is ongoing, and in a state of con- tinuous improvement. The process must be enhanced based on information from officers in the field and lessons learned. Staff from all five of the Department’s divisions meet with the crime analysts to review the fore- casts for each district during the monthly ICAP meeting. As Project Forebode continues, the crime ana- lysts are asked different, in depth questions by the officers, Captains and Deputy Chiefs that they use to improve their analysis. This is where the captain looks for valuable hu- man intelligence by asking analysts and the of- ficers’ questions about what is happening in the field. ICAP team members are asking for new ways to look at the data, to find additional connections that will improve their prevention and response plans. The meeting seeks to identify what the officers can provide to help explain trends and activity the analysts are reporting in specific districts. Based on the forecasts and the feet-on- the-street knowledge, ICAP identifies a primary “Focus” area and a secondary district that both receive increased at- tention. The secondary area receives the recurring calls for service and the “Focus” area receives the calls for service along with additional efforts and resources from all five of the divisions. (Learn More, from this full panel interview, featuring Chief Eric Jones, Stockton Police Department, Michael Tubbs, Mayor, City of Stockton, Kurt O. Wilson, City Manager, City of Stockton and various community leaders & fellow depart- ments. Posted on Mar 27, 2017) The program is popular internally, and it is helping with recruiting – young people inter- ested in law enforcement careers are excit- ed to see the department is embracing new tools and technologies. As for its impact on violent firearm-related crime, early results have been promising. ACA Prediction Zone, LexisNexis The ICAP team discusses specific actions to take, such as specific enforcement and outreach to the community, all with the aim of maintaining police visibility in the targeted areas. It is not enough to rely on consistent parameters for the forecast, human intelligence is a neces- sity. From March through May 2016, the department saw a 40 percent to 60 percent reduction month- to-month in the selected zones. Accompanying that, during the same time peri- od there was a 20 percent to 30 percent drop in property crimes. 7