AST Digital Magazine September 2017 AST Digital Magazine September 2017 | Page 5

Volume 16 Evidence-based policing Looking for ways to maximize scarce resources and cut crime rates, the Stockton Police De- partment decided to move to evidence-based policing, defined as using research, evaluation, analysis and scientific processes to inform deci- sion-making and help prioritize allocation of re- sources. When the department made this decision in 2013, this kind of predictive analysis was uncommon, and U.S. law enforcement agencies focused ear- ly programs on forecasting and reducing property crimes. September 2017 Edition The theory in criminal justice is that a strong law enforcement presence is what prevents crime; using analytics, the department would concen- trate resources in specific areas to try to bring firearm-related crime rates down. Command staff chose a crime analysis platform from LexisNexis Risk Solutions that uses predic- tive and analytical software combined with map- ping tools to identify and analyze crime activities and patterns. The Stockton program would be pioneer- ing the use of analytics to try to bring down violent firearm-related crimes. (Take a Journey in Evidence Based Policing with the Stock- ton Police Department. Learn how we identify Focus Areas and create Deployment Strategies designed to form com- munity partnerships and reduce crime. Courtesy of Stock- tonPD1850 and YouTube) Chief Eric Jones, Stockton Police Department 5