AST Digital Magazine June 2017 Digital-June | Page 64

Volume 13
June 2017 Edition
HSH Cloverleaf Parking Station Cutaway ( Image Credit : The Interstate Traveler Company )
The HSH will be installed by rail mounted cranes using large round steel stanchion tubes drilled into the ground as a foundation so it can be built just about anywhere without having to tear up the ground for an access road .
The company states that this method will insure the HSH will have a near zero impact on the environment .
Designed originally as an upgrade to the U . S . Interstate Highway System increasing the capacity and safety of the highway tenfold while providing the hydrogen infrastructure required for the growing energy economy .
The system is designed to provide direct pipeline access to hydrogen and other fuels to all the existing fueling stations along the highway .
Company officials also state that the HSH system can be built without any disruption to local businesses and because it is elevated it will be the safest and most versatile form of high speed transportation yet .
By 2004 the company received wide ranging support and international acknowledgement .
While working to bring the HSH proposal to decision makers the ‘ Interstate Traveler Project ’ was honored with Unanimous Resolutions from
the House and Senate of the State of Michigan in 2003 , several forward looking Skilled Trade Unions proffered letters of support and sponsored radio interviews on WJR AM 760 News Talk Radio in Detroit .
( Image Credit : The Interstate Traveler Company )
The HSH may completely avoid costly delays and challenges of eminent domain for new rights of way .
The HSH technology has also been recognized by a number of national and international journals and associations , highlighted by Discovery Channel in 2007 and the Founder of the company was the keynote speaker at the 2010 National