AST Digital Magazine June 2017 Digital-June | Page 32
Volume 13
June 2017 Edition
As power levels increase for fiber lasers, Lock-
heed Martin’s systems will further be able to com-
bat even larger threats across even greater dis-
tances. These systems can also serve as a force
multiplier when operated in combination with ki-
netic energy systems. Raytheon’s SM-3 missile and Exoatmospheric
Kill Vehicle successfully defeat warheads while
they are still in space, and Raytheon’s JLENS
aerostats offer regional defense from 10,000 feet
for up to 30 days at a time. The company’s long-
range radars further offer round-the-clock moni-
toring throughout the world.
Technology and innovation leader Raytheon
Company also specializes in defense, civil gov-
ernment and cybersecurity solutions. The increasing frequency of terrorist actions and
other significant public attacks in recent years
has put security concerns at the forefront for the
world’s citizens.
Offering a huge array of defense and security re-
lated products and services, Raytheon is focused
on global defense, including homeland protec-
tion, defending allies and protecting trade.
A study of data from 1966 to date reveals a signif-
icant increase in mass shootings in the U.S. that
outpaces any other country. Statistics for the 46-
year period show that, while America represents
only 5% of the world’s population, it accounts for
31% of all public mass shootings.
According to data from the FBI, there were 160
incidents from 2000 to 2013, resulting in 486
deaths and 557 wounded.
(Across missions. Across domains. Across continents. Ray-
theon engineers are powering leading-edge technologies that
help the U.S. military make the world a safer place. Courtesy
of Raytheon and YouTube)
The company’s air and missile defense systems
include proven interceptors, radars and space
sensors that work in concert to offer protection
against ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, aircraft
and other threats.
More recently, in 2014 and 2015, there were
nearly six times as many incidents compared
to 2000 and 2001. The disturbing increase in
violence suggests that there will be increasingly
more incidents if effective preventative measures
aren’t taken.
The good news is that innovations offered by
these companies represent powerful tools as na-
tions fight back against threats and work to re-
store peace of mind for the public.