AST Digital Magazine June 2017 Digital-June | Page 30
Volume 13
June 2017 Edition
The company’s disruptive PATSCAN technology,
the first system of its kind and the next-gener-
ation version of the company’s award-winning
NForce CMR1000 software and radar solution, is
an innovative cognitive microwave radar system
designed to instantly detect concealed weapons,
even on moving targets. Additionally, privacy concerns are eliminated
since the solution does not generate an image of
those it scans. Wherever PATSCAN is deployed,
security personnel are automatically alerted if an
active threat enters the premises, and the sys-
tem has an impressive overall accuracy rate of
93 percent.
This award-winning technology was developed
through a NATO-funded project at McMaster Uni-
versity and is the first budget-friendly solution to
be developed for active shooter prevention.
The patent-pending solution boasts machine
learning properties, which enable it to learn and
identify new threats. As Patriot One Technologies advances on its
mission to become a world-class enterprise to
increase public safety and deter acts of violence
worldwide, the company leverages vast exper-
tise in high-frequency electromagnetics, coun-
ter-terrorism, conflict resolution, government/
corporate interface, sensor development, proac-
tive security and business development.
PATSCAN identifies individuals who are carrying
weapons, including guns, knives or suicide vests,
by analyzing metal content and then relating that
content to a database of known weapon signa-
The company recently added to its board of di-
rectors John Gillies, a 33-year veteran of nation-
al and international security and intelligence.
Axon Enterprise, (formerly TASER International)
is also engaged in providing fresh technologies
that protect life via a network of devices, applica-
tions and people aimed at helping law enforce-
ment become smarter and safer.
Courtesy of Patriot One Technologies
The system’s detection is real-time and fully com-
puter-based, and because the solution is small, it
can be covertly placed in doorways or hallways
as a preventative measure against attacks in
public places, such as stadiums, concert venues,
schools, airports and more.
(There’s a conversation taking place about the relationship
Unlike other weapons detection technology on
the market, with Patriot One’s products, subject
compliance ceases to be an issue, since individ-
uals don’t know they are being scanned.
between law enforcement and the communities they serve.
Axon creates connected public safety technologies that fa-
cilitate that dialogue between all stakeholders. Courtesy of
Axon and YouTube)