AST Digital Magazine June 2017 Digital-June | Page 28
Volume 13
June 2017 Edition
As an ‘ASTORS’ competitor, the Attivo Threat-
Matrix will be competing against the indus-
try’s leading providers of innovative critical
infrastructure protection solutions and intru-
sion detection.
(DJ Goldsworthy, Senior Manager of Threat and Vulnerability
Management at Aflac, Inc., shares how deception has helped
Aflac, Inc. significantly improve their threat detection abilities
while providing zero false positives. Courtesy of Attivo Net-
works and YouTube)
Attivo Networks® is the leader in deception tech-
nology for real-time detection, analysis, and ac-
celerated response to advanced, credential, in-
sider, and ransomware cyber-attacks.
The Attivo ThreatMatrix™ Deception and Re-
sponse Platform accurately detects advanced
in-network threats and provides scalable continu-
ous threat management for user networks, data
centers, cloud, IoT, ICS-SCADA, and POS envi-
Attivo ThreatMatrix in 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Home-
land Security Awards Program
Good luck to Attivo ThreatMatrix on becom-
ing a Winner of the 2017 American Security
Today’s Homeland Security Awards Program!
To learn more about ThreatMatrix and Attivo
Networks wide range of offerings, please visit
the company’s website at https://attivonetworks.
The 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards
Program, organized to recognize the most dis-
tinguished vendors of Physical, IT, Port Security,
Law Enforcement, First Responders, (Fire, EMT,
Military, Support Services Vets, SBA, Medical
Tech) as well as the Federal, State, County and
Municipal Government Agencies – to acknowl-
edge their outstanding efforts to ‘Keep our Nation
Secure, One City at a Time.’