AST Digital Magazine August 2017 Digital-Aug | Page 52
Volume 15
tion technologies to viewing low angles, low reso-
lution images and poor image quality.
NEC Corporation’s face recognition technology
has achieved the highest performance evalua-
tion in the recent Face in Video Evaluation (FIVE)
performed by NIST.
Results were released in NIST’s Interagency Re-
port 8173: Face In Video Evaluation (FIVE) Face
Recognition of Non-Cooperative Subjects.
August 2017 Edition
tion changing frequently.
• NEC’s face recognition technology won first
place with an error rate half that of the second
place error rate.
Additionally, NEC’s technology took first place
for the fourth consecutive time following the 2009
Multiple Biometric Grand Challenge (MBGC
2009), 2010-2011 Multiple Biometrics Evaluation
(MBE 2010-2011), and 2013 Face Recognition
Vendor Test (FRVT 2013).
Evaluation examples from the NIST FIVE testing
Entry-exit management at an airport passenger
• Tests were conducted to recognize one indi-
vidual at a time as they walk through an area
without stopping or acknowledging the cam-
• NEC’s face recognition technology won first
place with a matching accuracy of 99.2%.
• The error rate of 0.8% is less than one-fourth
of the second place error rate.
Detection of suspicious individuals at an in-
door stadium
• Tests were conducted with an individual situ-
ated far from the camera with their face direc-
(Discover how NEC’s world-leading facial recognition tech-
nology can be applied for visitor registration & access control
and see how their Welcome Kiosk can add value across a
range of private and public sector organizations. Courtesy of
NEC Corporation and YouTube)
NEC Corporation at a Glance
For nearly 30 years, NEC has been developing
face recognition technology by defining it as one
of the key technologies to help achieve a safer
and more secure society.
The technology has now been implemented in
more than 100