AST Digital Magazine August 2017 Digital-Aug | Page 5
Volume 15
August 2017 Edition
The efficient motion of this gate design reduc-
es the travel distance required for the barrier to
open and close compared to drop-arm gates,
which pivot from one end post in a long arcing
This feature serves to significantly decrease the
cycle time required to process vehicles and elim-
inates potential clearance issues with overhead
objects such as trees, buildings or utilities.
Crash tested with a 24’ clear opening, this barrier is not only
a cost effective solution for securing wide entrances, it’s also
designed to reduce maintenance and operating costs.
The gate can be raised and lowered in
just 3 to 5 seconds to easily control wide
lanes of traffic.
Crash tested with a 24-foot clear opening (wider
options available), the XT-4200 Post and Beam
Gate utilizes a single structural steel tube beam
that travels vertically between two bollard-like
To secure the same clear opening, it would re-
quire two separate wedge barriers or up to eight
retractable bollards. Because the individual sys-
tem prices are comparable, choosing multiple
wedges or bollard arrays would cost up to twice
as much as a single post and beam gate, and
that’s before considering installation costs on ei-
ther system.
The XT-4200 is also very efficient in terms of in-
stallation and operation.
The horizontal beam is housed in an unobtru-
sive channel and shallow foundation that is
24 inches deep and extends across the road-
way, making it a good choice for applications
where utilities run underneath the road sur-
The XT-4200 Post and Beam Gate secures any control ac-
cess point up to a 24-foot clear opening. (Photo provided by
Ross Technology)
Another benefit to a singular post and beam gate
is the ability to restrict two-wheeled vehicles,
such as motorcycles and bicycles, which wedg-
es or bollards cannot accomplish.
The Only Electromechanical
Beam Barrier
Engineered to be extremely flexible and user-
friendly, the XT-4200 can also reduce downtime
and maintenance costs.
The all-electric system utilizes a continuous-duty
rated motor and gearbox to provide long-term re-
liability. And because the motor and drive system
are located above ground and within the posts,
they’re shielded from the elements to deter cor-
The XT-4200 Post and Beam Gate secures wide entrances
with a singular beam instead of two wide wedge barriers or
six to eight bollards (Photo provided by Ross Technology)
The electromechanical design is a perfect fit for
locations where there are environmental restric-
tions and the use of hydraulics fluids is prohib-