AST Digital Magazine August 2017 Digital-Aug | Page 49
NEC Corporation NeoFace Express in ‘ASTORS’
Homeland Security Awards
NeoFace Express with high throughput capabilities serves demanding environments with large crowds of people. NEC’s highly ac-
curate and scalable NeoFace facial recognition technologies enable NeoFace Express to eliminate long queues and improve customer
experiences by quickly verifying identities and authenticating membership prior to admittance.
NEC Corporation of America (NEC), is pleased
to announce their NeoFace Express facial rec-
ognition solution, a key component of a rapid-ac-
cess biometric platform, has been nominated in
the 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards
Launched in early 2017, NEC’s NeoFace Express
facial recognition solution is a key component of
a rapid-access biometric platform currently in pi-
lots at key international airports with U.S. Cus-
toms and Border Protection, including Atlanta,
Houston, Washington, D.C. and more.
(NeoFace for access control, is the world fastest and most
accurate face recognition technology. Courtesy of NEC Cor-
poration and YouTube)
The solution is based on NEC’s world-renowned
NeoFace facial recognition technology, which
earlier this year performed ranked first in tests