AST Digital Magazine August 2017 Digital-Aug | Page 28
Arecont Vision Competes in ‘ASTORS’
Homeland Security Awards Awards
Omni G3 is the industry’s first camera with no-touch, remote setup in the multi-sensor
adjustable-view product category created and still dominated by Arecont Vision
Arecont Vision‘s SurroundVideo Omni
G3 Adjustable View Multi-Sensor Cam-
era, has been nominated in the 2017 ‘AS-
TORS’ Homeland Security Award com-
Configuration presets allow the user to simply
click on a default 180°, 270°, or 360° configura-
tion. Custom presets can also be saved to mem-
ory andSurroudVideo Omni G3 is available in 12-
or 20-megapixel (MP) resolutions.
The SurroundVideo Omni G3 is the latest addi-
tion to Arecont’s ground-breaking multi-sensor,
multi-megapixel SurroundVideo® omnidirec-
tional camera series, and is the industry’s first
camera in the multi-sensor product category pio-
neered by Arecont Vision that offers no-touch,
remote setup.
SurroundVideo Omni G3 can be set up com-
pletely remotely with pan, tilt, focus, and zoom
functionality of four varifocal lens sensors.
(See the SurroundVideo Omni G3 in Action. Courtesy of
Arecont Vision and YouTube)