AST Digital Magazine August 2017 Digital-Aug | Page 13
Volume 15
I would also add “learn from” and exchange best
professional practices between law enforcement
and private security organizations to this dia-
The US DHS aims to enhance preparedness
through a “whole community” approach by pro-
viding products, tools, and resources to help you
prepare for and respond to an active shooter in-
There are a number of examples where this al-
ready occurs at community and municipal levels
as well as in national organizations such as the
American Society of Industrial Security and the
International Association of Chiefs of Police.
There are also scores of resources provided at
no cost by the Department of Homeland Security
in the form of workshops, webinars, best prac-
tices and lessons learned, which can be used to
build or enhance existing programs.
More highlights of Dr. Kiernan’s creden-
tials include:
• Member of the Army Science Board where she
led a panel exploring the transition of law en-
forcement training and technology to the war
• Member of the Air Force Strategic Studies
• Served as the ATF representative to the Coun-
terterrorism Center (CTC) at CIA during 1993-
• Was the Council Vice President for ASIS Inter-
national with oversight of the Critical Infrastruc-
ture Working Group (CIWG)
August 2017 Edition
• Chaired the Domestic Intelligence Coun-
cil for the Intelligence and National Security
• An Intelligence Fellow (2001)
• A graduate of the FBI’s National Executive In-
stitute (Class 26)
• A Senior Fellow at the George Washington
Homeland Security Policy Institute. Dr. Kiernan
is an appointed member to IBM Network Sci-
ence Research Center (NSRC), collaboration
between the Sensemaking Fellowship (former-
ly based at the MIT International Development
Initiative) Swansea University’s Network/Re-
lationship Science Analytics PhD Program as
well as its NSRC
• And scholars from academic institutions, such
as MIT and Harvard. Dr. Kiernan is also a mem-
ber of the AFCEA Executive Committee (Class
of 2015), and the AFCEA Intelligence and
Homeland Security Committees
• Dr. Kiernan led a nationwide Intelligence Com-
munity project involving the active interdiction of
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) through-
out the law enforcement and public safety com-
munities, and led a team for the Quadrennial
Intelligence Community Review.
• Dr. Kiernan serves as a Subject Matter Expert
for the Rapid Reaction Technology Office, Of-
fice of the Secretary of Defense and other ele-
ments of the defense community.
• Dr. Kiernan was the recipient of the Women of
Influence-Public Sector award in 2010.
Dr. Kiernan completed her Doctorate in Educa-
tion at Northern Illinois University, and her Mas-
ter of Science in Strategic Intelligence at the Joint
Military Intelligence College in Washington, DC.
She also holds a Master of Arts in Internation-
al Transactions from George Mason University
Homeland Security Policy Institute, and she is a
faculty member at The Johns Hopkins University
and at the Naval Postgraduate School Center for
Homeland Defense and Security.