AST Digital Magazine April 2017 April 2017 | Page 11
Volume 11
April 2017 Edition
Mike Brown Named Sheriff of the Year
Sheriff Mike Brown, pictured here with President Donald J.
Sheriff Mike Brown from Bedford County, VA,
will be the recipient of the 2017 Ferris E. Lucas
Sheriff of the Year award from the National Sher-
iffs’ Association (NSA).
The Sheriff will receive the award for his con-
tribution to the law enforcement committee this
summer in Reno, NV, at the association’s annual
The award, given annually by the NSA, recogniz-
es a sheriff who has made outstanding contribu-
tions to law enforcement and the criminal justice
profession, demonstrates exceptional service to
his or her community, and has contributed to the
betterment of the National Sheriffs’ Association
The prestigious national award is awarded to any
active sheriff who has performed the duties of his
or her office in the highest professional manner
as well as enhances the Office of Sheriff.
The award is given in memory and honor of Fer-
ris E. Lucas, who served as President of the
National Sheriffs’ Association (1944-1946) and
Executive Director of the National Sheriffs’ As-
sociation (1964-1982).
NSA Executive Director Jonathan Thompson
“Sheriff Brown embodies what this award was
created to recognize,” said NSA Executive Direc-
tor Jonathan Thompson.
“There are no limits or obstacles to keeping his
community safe and equipping them with the
proper tools to succeed, he is not only a great
Sheriff but an even better person.”
Sheriff Brown, now serving in his sixth term, was
recently honored by the Virginia Department of
Criminal Justice Services for his service of 50
years in the law enforcement com munity.
As described below, he has brought several pro-
grams to Bedford County to keep his community
safe including children and members of law en-
Protect the Protectors
After learning there are over 200,000 law en-
forcement personnel (Rand Corporation and
DOJ survey) that do not have funding to secure
ballistic vest protection for themselves, this Sher-
iff organized donors from across the country and
as of this past October his efforts have provided
636 new Level IIIA vests to law enforcement of-
ficers across the country.